[NEWS] I gotz da hookup (neri)Maza Fakka!!!

5 02 2009

I’m not about to say I know who these guys are since my knowledge of JRap ends with Rip Slyme and BennieK, but Japan-Zone reports that several members of the rap group Nerimazafakka have been arrested for possession of cocaine. This is following the arrest of former sumo wrestler Wakakirin for possession of marijuana.

The very posh answer of “I got it from a foreigner” was used to explain this bout of international peer-pressure but Japan doesn’t take kindly to drugs no matter what round-eye you get them from. Wakakirin was nabbed with nothing more than a joint on him which begs this uber blogger to ask, “Is pot really that bad?”. I may have smoked pot tonight at some point in my life and I do not feel that I’ve committed a federal offense. It doesn’t make you violent, and I only want to hang out in sweatpants and play xbox all night when I do smoke. Besides the paranoia of the chick upstairs judging me as she walks by my door, I feel better about smoking than I do drinking. (if you’re under 18, there’s a time and place for everything and it’s called ‘college’ and don’t blame Uncle LoKi for your apathetic downfall)

I’d like to call upon all 5 readers of this blog to leave a comment and let me know what you think about things such as pot and Japan’s seemingly overreaction to possessing it. Only one or two FBI agents monitor this, so go nuts!

-LoKi Out